speaker Dario Peirone

Dario Peirone
Presidente, CeiPiemonte

Dario Peirone Associate Professor of Economics and Business Management at the Department of Law of the University of Turin. Director of the Milton Friedman Institute, Rome www.friedman.it Associate Of Counsel of the Leading Law Firm, Turin. Founder and Partner of Morning Boost LLP, London (GB) www.morningboost.co.uk Member of the Technical-Scientific Committee of the Co.IN.Fo. (Interuniversity Consortium on Training) - Appointed as representative of the Ministry of Education, University and Research with protocol note no. 26423 of 29 August 2019. Founder and coordinator of the Business Club of the Department of Economics and Statistics, lecturer in charge of the Startup Creation Lab of the University of Turin. Coordinator for the University of Turin of the Contamination Lab (Project funded by MIUR between the University and Polytechnic of Turin) www.clabto.it Vice President of the Master's Degree Course in Administrative and Legal Sciences of public and private organizations (Class LM -63) , at the University of Turin. Founder and member of the Scientific Committee of Leonardo - Italian Trust for Advanced Learning and Innovation http://www.globallegalchronicle.com/italia/docenti-ricercatorie-imprese-fondano-il-trust-leonardo-per-sostenere-progetti-universitari- e-startup / Partner of: SMS (Strategic Management Society); Academy of Management; SIEPI (Italian Society of Economics and Industrial Policy).

Since 2019 President for Piemonte Agency – the first Italian Agency dealing with inward and outward Internationalization.


Motore Italia Piemonte
14/03/2024, orario: 16.00 - 19.00 - Motore Italia Piemonte 2024