speaker Maxwell Osborne

Maxwell Osborne

Launched in 2020, anOnlyChild is a New York label founded by designer Maxwell Osborne, and embodies freshness in its approach and attitude. 

anOnlyChild represents curiosity and innovation, deriving from the courage of solitude that is emblematic of an only child. It evokes the vibrancy and resilience of Osborne’s Jamaican heritage with the influences of growing up in New York City.

An experimental series of fashion collections, anOnlyChild is a luxury brand that focuses on sustainability at its core. Each collection is created from deadstock materials and repurposed garments. Each piece is thoughtfully constructed as a new style, giving life and paying homage to fabrics and discarded materials.

The spirit of anOnlyChild is built around the idea recreating the past to build something new for the future—making something out of nothing. While this process prevents consistency throughout the collection, it allows the garment to retain the soul of its previous life to form something new, unique and one-of-a kind.